Results with children
We are very happy as a little girl who was coming to us in the beginning of summer turned back. Her mother was very enthusiastic, she told us that Sophie has developed really much since summer right after the therapy. In spring her communication was very poor, she didn’t made eye contact, didn’t turn attention to anyone around her. Sometimes she was simply laying on the back of the horse with no interest, sometimes she was jumping on it with much enthusiasm. The doctors noticed a big difference after riding. Sophie can play longer with one game, can better concentrate, has much more interaction with people around. Parents were afraid that she suffers from authism but f”ortunately” she has light mental retardation. Horses can help her a lot to develop her skills. Last time she came it was a cold November day. She was laing on the back of the horse like in a bed, fully relaxed. It was a great feeling to see her so calm, despite to the foggy morning we all had to smile feeling warmth somewhere deep inside…
When I met him for the first time he didn’t listen to anybody. He was screaming and running around at the farm. He couldn’t talk. If things happened not in a way he wished he started to cry and protest. He couldn’t sit on the back of the horse longer than 5-10 minutes, than he started to cry and tried to run away. After few times of riding he started to change, as he would be a different boy. Few month after the first therapies he is calm, talking a lot, smiling to everybody around. He can name the colors, even in English.
The very first time she was concentrating so hard that she forgot to breathe. Her muscles were really weak, she couldn’t sit, we had to hold her from to sides. Long time was needed until she could hold herself in curves without hands. The number of her epileptic seizures declined, what makes her parents very happy.
We can see many changes on kids coming to us regularly, what encourages us to continue our work even in the hardest, most desperate periods when we have to struggle from the lack of financial sourses.
/On the photos there are children visited us during summer camp for disabled./